Costly disconnects and a weaker late-game gives Ionia the doorway to a 3-0 Weekend.
Team Compositions:
Noxus | Ionia
Top Lane - Darius (Thee One) | Wukong (UltimaaSummoner)
Jungle - Dr. Mundo (FrankTheBank) | Lee Sin (Tin Gar)
Mid Lane - Sion (Numbr1 En Brazil) | Ahri (Suzu)
AD Carry - Draven (xSeth) | Kennen (TB Wolf)
Support - Morgana (albableat) | Soraka (Narjek)
Pre-Game Analysis: With a similar team composition seen the day before, and similar players on the team, Ionia was out for blood, sending both UltimaaSummoner and Suzu again, once again on Ahri which had already won him MVP Honors from this spectator yesterday. Noxus needed to abuse the early game to stand a chance in this one, otherwise the assassins of Ionia were going to run the town at the end of the night.
In the match that started it all, Guardsman Bob played Udyr to perfection and led Ionia to a victory, stopping the Noxian forcing from advancing. This time, the Ionians looked to take their own advantages and break through, and they did so in fascinating form. Right off the bat, Ionia used their superior power to bank 3 kills off Noxus through invading their Blue buff, hoping to stop the early game aggression of the Noxians. However, despite this minor setback, Noxus quickly made a comeback as Lee Sin would get too aggressive trying to get a kill on Darius, only to be snagged by a roaming Morgana. Darius would then catch out Wukong with the help of Dr. Mundo for a kill, and when he came back, quickly shut him down again with another kill. While that went on, Dr. Mundo cleavered his way to another assist, this time in the bottom lane as xSeth would pick up a kill on Soraka and set up another on Kennen, quickly turning the tide for Noxus. As he gets chased, Darius would actually end up with a suicide, not giving up any gold, but would get an early turret, just 11 minutes in.
After the early aggression, it only continued as Mundo would grab a kill on an invading Wukong, Darius would grab Kennen with the dunk and Lee Sin would be picked off by Sion, as a 14 minute Dragon from Noxus showed the true power of the "evil" city-state..the disconnects then started, and a disconnected Sion does not make good for Noxus. Despite this, they would find an advantage fight they could take against Ionia, but even in a 5v4 situation, they would lose to amazing play by the Ionian assassins by a count of 3-2 in the fight, meanwhile, allowing Kennen (playing as AD at this point) to take a 2nd turret on the bottom side. This only spelled trouble for Noxus, as a second dragon dance turned horrific, giving Suzu a quadra kill on Ahri, but allowing for enough of a stall for dragon to stay standing (or...flying?)
A second dragon dance would commence, giving Noxus a dragon, but losing a fight 3 to 1 almost nullified the gold gain that dragon gave them. As Ionia looked to push, however, they allowed Dunkmaster Darius to arrive on the scene, and overstaying your welcome just allows him to pick up the resets, resulting in a Quadra Kill for the Hand of Noxus. However, Noxus would not learn from the past, and those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it. Getting lost in the enemy jungle, they would quickly be 4-0'd by Ionia in a team fight, allowing the assassin comp to gain Baron at 28:40. A push into the base at this point was golden for the Ionians, the combination of assassins and CC from Kennen allowed him to grab a triple kill while Sion would disconnect for the 3rd time in the game, allowing Ionia to quickly push into the Noxus base for a victory.
Final Scores will be updated with VOD's, couldn't record at this time.
MVP of the Game: Having an Internet Connection
Both teams played very well, and so many pieces of Ionia worked together to dominate the game later on. The main thing that kept them together was simply being able to play! A lot of trouble was had by Noxus having to deal with a mid laner who continually disconnected, making it hard to work together, leading to Ionia's victory.
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