Lack of Crowd Control Decimates Piltover, Ionia Secures 2nd win of the Day
Team Matchups:
Piltover | Ionia
Top Lane - Jayce (lorek) | Irelia (UltimaaSummoner)
Jungle - Vi (Snicklfrits) | Lee Sin (SodaGod)
Mid Lane - Ezreal (Deathnoob) | Ahri (Ela)
AD Carry - Caitlyn (Dot145) | Varus (Suzu)
Support - Janna (Mathmage) | Karma (Sammich73)
Pre-Game Analysis: With a triple assassin composition once again, Ionia was looking to dive early and quickly, getting as much damage down as possible. The Piltover line-up didn't really show much to stop this composition, with very little Crowd Control to stop the damage and a lot of Attack Damage threats, Ionia really has the ability to take it to Piltover, but the later the game goes, the stronger the AD Threats become.
Possibly the least aggressive game of the day, the Ionian side couldn't seem to find Piltover's weaknesses at first, as the stronger aggression they showed against Demacia didn't work nearly as well against the slippery lineup of Piltover. However, it eventually cracked with First Blood as Lee Sin and Ahri teamed up to finally beat Ezreal, and Varus would quickly take out Caitlyn to give Ionia the early lead. Meanwhile, in the top lane, Jayce was doing well against Irelia but the tide was beginning to turn.
A few minutes later, Ahri would try to use Spirit Dash to take out Ezreal, using the incredible manuverability to get the kill, but alas, it was not to be. Ezreal somehow landed enough Mystic Shots and thoroughly outplays Ahri to take the kill away. Around 14 minutes into the game, Ahri and Lee Sin would counter, taking out Janna to allow them a dragon while Irelia began to hit the power spike, quickly diving Jayce under his tower to beat him, however, a PERFECTLY timed Trueshot Barrage from Ezreal would take out Irelia to neutralize the lead.
The true action went on down in the bottom lane. With Ezreal trying to just use his long-range abilities to make the plays, Ahri got down and dirty to do all the damage she could. A double kill for Varus with the help of Ahri and Karma would lead to the first turret going down at 16:23 in the bottom lane, but with a quick counter, Ezreal and Vi would move towards the top to shut down Irelia. As Ahri continued to roll through lanes, she would set up two more kills and a second tier tower while Jayce would start to gain ground on Irelia..only for Ahri to be in the area again, destroying Jayce.
With this lead, Ionia, with Ahri at the helm, began to push very hard, getting an Ace on Piltover at one point and continually taking objectives with Piltover on their heels. A small slip-up led to 3 unanswered kills by Piltover, but less than 30 minutes into the game and they still trailed by 8,000 gold. The final push was then led by Lee Sin and Varus, who combined with their ultimates for another ace on the Piltover team, and pushing straight through the base, winning the game at 35:43 and giving Ionia their 2nd win of the day.
Final Scores:
Piltover | Ionia
Top Lane - Jayce (3/5/3) | Irelia (6/3/8)
Jungle - Vi (1/5/2) | Lee Sin (5/1/10)
Mid Lane - Ezreal (3/4/3) | Ahri (6/2/17)
AD Carry - Caitlyn (3/5/3) | Varus (10/1/5)
Support - Janna (0/8/0) | Karma (0/1/20)
MVP of the Game: Ela on Ahri (Ionia)
Another solid game for Ionia due to the aggression of the assassins, and Ahri led the charge. With a ton of damage from Ahri, incredible use of both Spirit Rush and Zhonya's Hourglass gave Ela more than enough credit for the MVP honors of this game, leading Ionia to a 2-0 day.
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