Sunday, March 31, 2013

Demacia vs. Noxus - March 30th

Aggression is the name of the game as Demacia smokes Noxus

(Don't have a link to the VOD's at the moment, but when I do, this will be updated with the link)

Team Matchups :

Demacia | Noxus

Top Lane - Jarvan IV (Big Fat Unicorn) | Vladimir (Albabeat)
Jungle -      Xin Zhao (Grimoire) | Dr. Mundo (Numbr1 En Brazil)
Mid Lane - Lux (Maximin) | Annie (Blann)
AD Carry - Vayne (FunPotato) | Draven (xSeth)
Support -    Sona (Ubel Engel) | Morgana (Ms. Arduanna)


As the game began, many people were speculating the team compositions and it seemed a lot of people were giving the early edge to Noxus, who had strong power in the bot lane from Draven and Morgana, and strength in the jungle with Dr. Mundo, but most also figured that Demacia's far superior team fighting and late game would carry them to victory.

Demacia made sure that late game wasn't even needed.

Right off the bat, Demacia came out the aggressors, with First Blood going to Vayne within the first few minutes, despite Draven quickly countering the aggression and securing a kill for himself in the bot lane. However, Xin Zhao suddenly left his mark on the game. Grimoire started in the mid lane, picking up the kill on Annie with help from Lux, then swiftly ran through the bottom part of the map and securing a double kill for himself and giving Vayne free reign to do as she pleased, one thing the Noxians did NOT need to have happen. As the very early stages closed, Jarvan IV showed he was coming to play, opening up the score for himself in the top lane, giving Demacia a strong 5-1 kill advantage just 6 minutes into the game.

It was far from over, however, as Xin Zhao would show again, storming the front of the bot lane for two more kills while kills were traded in the top lane. The aggression continued onto xSeth's Draven, who was hardly back in lane before the 3-man tower dive happened, this time giving FunPotato's Vayne a double kill, only trading Sona in the process, but also giving up the first tower at just 12:29.

At this point, Noxus can see that the tide was quickly going to Demacia, and it showed, as the teamfighting potential of Lux, Xin Zhao and Vayne shined as they roamed the map, securing all sorts of kills and objectives while Noxus had little to defend with. As the first base tower was pushed in, Vladimir would secure a double kill to stop the push there, but it was already too late as Vayne pushed in the bottom base turret. This was a quick turnaround for the Demacians as they would then Ace the Noxians in there own base, losing just two members and grabbing the Baron Nashor within 25 minutes. As the game quickly closed after this, Vayne would nail a Quadra Kill on the way to the Nexus, as Demacia quickly closed out a win over their rival Noxus at just 26:45.


Final Scores:

Demacia | Noxus

Top Lane - Jarvan IV (7/2/7) | Vladimir (2/5/6)
Jungle -      Xin Zhao (3/3/10) | Dr. Mundo (2/4/5)
Mid Lane - Lux (3/2/10) | Annie (5/6/3)
AD Carry - Vayne (14/1/5) | Draven (3/7/1)
Support -   Sona (4/4/19) | Morgana (0/9/5)


MVP of the Match : Grimoire on Xin Zhao (Demacia)

Despite not having the greatest score to show for it, Xin Zhao willed this team to victory before it really even began. His heavy gank strategy worked PERFECTLY, getting rid of the one problem that Demacia could have had, which was a weak early game. Countless kills in bottom lane snowballed both himself and Vayne into perfect situations, and some help in the other lanes allowed their tank lines to fuel the fire for Vayne. The catalyst in this game for Demacia was Xin Zhao, and he played to perfection.

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